Wednesday, 17 July 2019


low vision eye exam

Low vision eye Exam a specialized eye treatment

Eye problem is very common among people nowadays. Low vision is one such problem which is generally caused by eye disease. In case of low vision problem, the security of the eye is poor and it can’t be corrected with regular glasses. In those cases, a low vision eye exam is must for the patients. It is done only by the ophthalmologist or optometrist who is an expert in low vision. SB Optical provides the most advanced and expert service of low vision eye exam here in Toronto

The procedure of low vision eye examination

A standard process is there to check whether the patient is really suffering from low vision. The specialists use various charts both in close and far proximity to determine the clarity of the patient’s vision. They take an exam of contrast sensitivity. They also check whether there is any blurry or distorted area in the visual field.

Factors responsible for low vision

You must consider the causes of low vision to get proper treatment. There are many factors responsible for low vision. The factors include injuries in the eye, diabetes, age-related low vision, and also glaucoma. These factors can bring low vision problem. And you must go for the low vision eye exam to ensure relief from further complication. You can get a complete and specialized low vision eye exam in SB Optical.

Symptoms and related problems of low vision

Low vision eye problem is accompanied by some other problems as symptoms. Reduced visual clarity, contrast sensitivity, poor depth judgment, and also eye misalignment are general symptoms of low vision. If any of these symptoms appear then it is very important to consult an optometrist for a low vision eye exam.

SB Optical for specialized and affordable treatment in Low vision Eye Examination

You must not compromise with the question of your eye health. Low vision is one of the major eye problems of this generation. If it is not treated in due time it may lead to some really serious problem. Most importantly, you must ensure the quality of low vision eye examination for complete eye protection. You must go to the most specialized and professional optometrist for your eye care. In SB Optical you are going to get top-notch service for a low vision eye examination. The fees we charge for our quality service is rare here in Toronto.

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